Integrity Message from the Board of Directors

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Our Company’s reputation is one of our most priceless assets and preserving of such is essential to protect the interest of our stakeholders, particularly our customers and shareholders. We’ve worked hard over the years to build our foundation as a value-based company, a distinctive and a competitive edge which we have earned, through the actions and efforts of our employees.

Our Code of Ethics and Best Practices, Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy which adopts a “zero-tolerance approach” towards any form of bribery and corruption in conducting our business are implemented to provide clear guidelines to enable employees making ethical decisions in conducting their daily commercial operations. These important policies are a statement of our solid commitment to embed a corruption prevention strategy and an integrity culture within a well-established governance framework in accordance with our core values.

With the implementation of the five principles of TRUST, we believe that the underlying risk of unethical and illegal conduct which bring along with reputational damage shall be mitigated and minimized to a greater extent for the sake of our business sustainability moving forward.